Sam Wachanga: My 21 Years as an Alcoholic
But how did
alcohol came to enslave me? I was born forty six years ago in Nakuru County. My
father loved tipple much and would brew his own beer, the traditional muratina, and drink at the comfort of
his home though he was also a social drinker who would stagger home from pubs
as well. In his drunken state, he loved to regale us children with stories,
though many were improvised versions from his drunken stupor. I thought alcohol
was good stuff seeing how it was rendering him into a griot or great storyteller especially the ease with which he
effortlessly narrated one yarn after another.
My dad
indirectly influenced me to like alcohol. He was ever in a jovial mood
especially when drunk and I thought happiness was to be found either in the
bottle or in his beloved home-made brew. Out of curiosity, I began
experimenting with alcohol. And before I knew it, I had not only liked its
taste but had already fallen in love with it!
The problem
with being an alcoholic is lack of financial discipline or prudent spending. I
would, for example, spend the whole of whatever amount I had in one sitting and
leave the pub or sheben in high
spirits only to have recriminations when I sobered or woke up the next day to
discover I had no coin to my name. But with cravings to whet my insatiable
drinking appetite, I had to devise ways to obtain money and chief among them
was to lie to my parents, and if I could not have my way, I would steal from
It reached a
point my parents could not tolerate my behaviour and gave me a share of family
land hoping I’d settle down perhaps as a farmer and get traction in life.
Unfortunately, they invariably handed me a piece of ‘gold’ which was to help
sustain my drinking habit, for, shortly after my father died, I began
subdividing the land and selling a plot per year and drinking every coin until
the next ‘pay day’ when I would sell another plot and repeat the same process.
In between,
I got married twice. The first marriage, in which I was blessed with a child,
lasted briefly as my spouse could not put up with an alcoholic husband who
rarely provided for his family and was more in beer dens. The second marriage,
which produced three children, seemed to be working well but, like in the first
one, it too fell apart with my spouse taking all the children with her. My
uncontrollable drinking behaviour is highly to blame for the breakups.
And in both
marriages, my families were always the laughing stock of the estate as
sometimes they would be informed where to pick me from in case I blanked out in
a trench while on my way home. It was also humiliating to have to be fed by any
of my spouses when I was not working or unable to provide for them!
The breakup
of my second marriage would have served as a sobering point especially in
freeing myself from the shackles of alcoholism but far from it. I had by then
sank to the abysmal depths that everything alcoholic was the elixir of life
that I could hardly function without it. In forgetting the misery or the
depression that I had sunk into, I began selling everything I had and drinking
hard like there would be no more beer tomorrow.
Of all my
siblings, it seemed I was the one who took the path down to alcoholic ruin, but
little did I know one of my young brothers was also in it. Unfortunately, he
succumbed a few years back to kidney failure after taking too much of bootleg
liquor, mainly chang’aa. I remember
attending his funeral ceremony in a drunken state that I hardly saw his coffin
in my dazed state. When I sobered up many hours later, I was devastated by his
death and knew I too would end up in a similar way unless I changed for good.
The turning
point was when I bumped into an old friend with whom I used to drink together
with and who had managed to quit the bottle after undergoing counselling. I was surprised by
his complete turnaround and he helped me towards the path to recovery
especially referring me where to attend the AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) meetings.
I believe it is essential for an addict or an alcoholic to seek help from a
former addict/alcoholic who was in similar shoes and understands one’s
predicament better.
During the
recovery time, I became an alcoholic and drug addict counsellor and was in that
profession for three years before leaving to pursue business interests, and I’m
currently a businessman. Had I not imbibed alcohol, I would be a different
person today. Alcohol never made me any better but left me in a worse shape. It
led to disintegration of my marriages and cost me a career and impoverished me
as well. The twenty one years the bottle was my constant friend were twenty one
wasted years.
We are in the same journey.your sharing means a lot.