Of the biased boy child everywhere


That the boy child goes through a lot is not in contention. It too doesn't surprise to see none other than the same gender bringing their fellow one down while lifting the profile of the girl child.

  Sample the following where two job seekers, a male and a female, posted in a social media platform looking for prospective employers and giving a bit of their career backgrounds. Though each poster made own post in same platform within a day of each, the comments section is what left many asking questions, especially on the post made by the male poster.

  Both posters, it seemed, were recent statistics of the growing numbers being rendered jobless when organizations are downscaling, relocating or closing shop for good owing the current policies in place, especially taxations and high cost of doing business.

  For the lady, there were many willing to employ her, including givings business ideas and tips on how to get started as she goes about waiting for that vacant position suiting her qualifications. Some would tell her to slide in their direct message box, and majority were males.

  What, perhaps, earned her majority of commenters sympathy was the fact she explained she was struggling to put kids to school, pay rent, and meet other financial obligations. One commenter even offered her a business space for free until such a time she gets back on her feet financially.

  It is not clear if any of those who asked her to direct message them turned to be her employer or gave her something as a seed capital to begin something small and build herself up.

  The interesting thing is the next day when a male poster made similar request and giving a rich career background. The comments were fast and furious. And many were from fellow men.

  One commenter wondered why, when things were well career wise, he hadn't thought of opening a side business like he had envisioned he'd be irreplaceable in the job market to the perpetuity.

  Not to be outdone, another wondered why he wasn't saving with a sacco and when the worse would happen in his career, he'd have something to use as business capital instead of crying in social media, adding there are many out there who had been in his similar predicament and had started again from ground zero.

  Though there were few comments encouraging him and giving ideas which business would be suitable given his expertise, the negative comments carried the day.

  One commenter wondered why he can't retreat to the rural area and make himself useful in farms instead of chasing mirages in the city.

  "Enda mjengo acha kutusumbua hapa (go work as a casual at construction site instead of bothering us)", one comment read. The commenter even went further in saying the government was creating jobs through the affordable housing programme, but someone with an experience in construction industry told the commenter that even in a mjengo one needs connections, not where you just walk and talk with foreman and get hired on spot.

  Whereas somebody offered to buy the man an eggs and smokies trolley, with a start off stock, its not clear if the offer was accepted as the post was deleted perhaps to stem negative and offensive comments.

  This was not before someone claimed the poster may have wasted his money on alcohol, women and other pleasures and did not invest on the side and was in a wrong platform begging for work like the social media group was a humanitarian agency!

  That the boy child is losing it as the girl child gets empowered was displayed starkingly in those posts. Society has sadly been conditioned to elevate the girl child at the expense of the boys. Even in work places, the ratio of males to females is widening with each passing day. From the human resources desk to the CEO chair, females are taking it, and becoming the face of the organization.

  But is the boy child under threat and especially with the rise of female, independent women?


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