Who Controls Dundori Ward Politics?
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A look at politics at the ward level, especially the Dundori Ward, shows
there is a cabal of such ‘oligarchs’, though power brokers is the apt term.
From 2013, choices of ward leaders have been forced down on the electorate. Not
that because the voters cannot make own rational choices on who to elect, but
the power brokers, in selling their candidates, manages to psychologically
capture their thoughts from the nadir to the zenith of the campaigns. It is no
wonder the easily swayed ‘sheeple’ will legitimize a choice fronted by voting
en masse!
the same sheeple complain over the lack of services delivery, are not they
reaping the consequences of their choices?
one enforced to the electorate by a cabal of power brokers is not a leader but
a puppet. And a puppet has no interests of the people at heart as a matter of
priority, but those of the puppeteers or the power brokers. In promoting their
personal interests, the puppeteers can strangulate the rate of development by
demanding a percentage cut for every financial allocation of a project in the
ward. More, when it comes to consideration of awarding major contracts, your
bet these puppeteers and their cronies will ink the deals on the paper is as
good as mine.
Take the example where a mile of a village
road that looks anything like a lunar surface after grading is purportedly to
have cost the taxpayers an estimated Sh1.6 million. What percentage of that
amount went to power brokers? Are there breakdowns of cost estimates ever
published for the public to scrutinize? Unfortunately, the ‘enlightened’
sheeple will believe everything told while questioning nothing!
puppeteers know how to exploit and manipulate the mass through their puppets. No
wonder the choices of their candidates are ones who speaks their body language.
The sheeple were easily exploited and manipulated because they are disjointed
lot who cannot see beyond sound agendas but chose to flow with the currents. The
power brokers came as salespersons, listened to the sheeple, established their
baselines and found their weaknesses, making it a walk into the park to sell
their candidate.
speaking about listening, what does a leader communicate when he says that
listen and silent are spelled with same letters?
on this here: https://paulkariuki.blogspot.co.ke/2017/12/the-era-of-puppet-leaders-and-their.html
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