Poetically Speaking

have this passion for poetry and no day passes without you posting a poem or
two. Why love for poems over other literary genres?
My love for
literature started way back in high school. I later went to the university and
studied English language and literature for my first degree. Among other genres
of literature, I find poetry easy to read, grasp, interpret and write. I like
the condensation of words in poetry; using too few words to say much, unlike in
prose. It may also be because I am a natural taciturn and my love to express
myself lucidly with few words. Nevertheless, I love other genres of literature
and have tried successfully on short stories and drama.
it possible for one to live off poetry especially in Africa as poetry is less
appreciated and hard for many to understand?
My answer is
yes and no. Yes, it is a fact that some African poets both oral performers and
authors have achieved a modicum of financial success through their art. They
may not be affluent like their hip hop cousins, but they're not poor either.
No, because majority of poets in Africa are conspicuously poor. This is because
poetry is not valued widely among the populace. The poverty and struggles to
make ends meet do not allow many Africans to buy poetry books or pay to go and
watch poetry performances. Sincerely speaking, to sustain oneself and family
wholly through poetry in Africa is an almost impossibility.
you a published poet and what are your works?
In 1992, I
walked through the lengths and breadths of Nigeria looking for a publisher for
my manuscript but failed in that endeavour. Publishers here rarely publish
green horn poets, but go for big names, as this will surely guarantee them a
return on the investment. I don't blame them, for they have balance sheets to
maintain. Having despaired in my search, I decided to self-publish my
anthology titled, 'What the Mad Man Said'. After this, I took a long writing break in
order to concentrate on building my business. However, I have many other works
published in several anthologies and journals both in Africa and overseas.
poets do you admire most and which of their works would you consider as best?
I admire lots
of poets, be they Africans, Asians, Caribbeans, Americans, and Europeans - both
classical and modern. At school we did lots of European literature which
influenced my early writings: William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, John Donne,
Ezra Pound, just to name a few, easily comes to my mind. Currently, I admire Niyi
Osundare, Kofi Ayidoho, Maya Angelou and Chenjerai Hove. I like their
simplicity. They made me realize that poetry can be sophisticated even in plain
people's language.
an opportunity to meet great poets, living or dead, which poet would you like
to meet and why?
I would like to meet many poets out of curiosity and
to drink from their fountains of poetry. I would mostly want to meet the late South
African activist, educator and poet, Dennis Brutus. The first time I read his
book, Letter to Martha, I shed tears. Something inside me moved. Up to date I
can't describe what it was.
poet had a great influence in your writing?
A writer must
also be an avid reader. The more you read, the more you imbibe wisdom, forms
and styles from diverse authors. One may not be doing this consciously; many at
times it happens as if by osmosis. So a lot of writers influenced me. But the
major influencer was my countryman, Niyi Osundare. He made me realize that you
don't need to be esoteric in poetry.
book of poetry do you treasure most and would not like to give out any time
I have many
books of poetry. In fact, I am a bibliophile! I treasure all books. The two
books I keep thumping now and then are Red Hills of Home by Chenjerai Hove of
Zimbabwe and Labyrinths by the late Christopher Okigbo, who arguably is the
best Nigerian poet to date. These two books are like treasures to me.
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