When Speaking Your Mind is a Crime – Pt 2

A mono-eyed king happened to rule in a certain
kingdom. One day, he was invited to attend a state event by the ruler of
another kingdom across the border. The king, elated, decided to first send an emissary
bearing his portrait to his would be host before the great day.
The king
called an artist and commissioned him to do a portrait of him. Those were the
days when photography had not been invented. The artist took this as a golden
chance to showcase the best of his potential. He made an impressive drawing
with bits of exaggerated features that showed a kind and benevolent king with
two radiant eyes that espoused a merciful personality. He drew beaming lips
that exposed milk white, shiny teeth. He presented the king with a drawing an
art collector would have paid for an arm and a leg.
The king was
far from being impressed. He ordered the artist to be put to death.
“Why so?” a
trusted king’s official asked.
“I asked for
my portrait, not an exaggeration of same!” the king fumed.
A second
artist was hired and made the mistake of the first one. He depicted the king as
a kind hearted person with a face that had warm radiating pair of eyes. He too
was put to death.
The third
artist commissioned to do the portrait was unaware of the fate of the first
two. This one hated the king and did justice to his canvass by depicting the
ruler as a monster from a mythical tale with a devious eye close to the
forehead that evoked great terror. He drew creased lines across the brow that
was contorted in a mix of rage and anger, and a mouth with a sinister smile
where a tooth was exposed like a protruding snake’s fang. He presented his
works to his majesty with great aplomb and expected the worst to be meted on
“This is it!”
screamed the king in delight, "my host will have to think twice in any dealing with me by merely looking at this hideous image!" Saying so, the king ordered the artist to be clothed in royal robes.
Exactly, the
sycophants and those who gravitate in the orbit of a politician, inclusive of
his employees like the personal assistant, are those two first artists. To them,
the politician is a deified figure, and they’ll not brook any criticism of sorts
directed his way.
The third
artist, who is the electorate, is always right. He speaks the truth as it is,
even telling the king he is naked. It is no surprise the first two artists of a
certain grassroots politicians have been on my jugular lately directing all
manners of barbs my way.
On the
ground, with the electioneering year fast approaching, political dynamics are
changing. The grassroots leader will have himself to blame for those who have
coalesced around him are, and will, prove to be a costly gamble. The
embellished portrait they are selling, while shredding to tatters the realist
artist, is not doing justice to his public image.
Speak of
infringing one’s freedom of expression, for the hired dogs are exactly doing
that, while joyously wagging their tails at their master waiting for handouts!
Read first part here: https://paulkariuki.blogspot.com/2019/11/when-speaking-your-mind-is-crime.html
Read first part here: https://paulkariuki.blogspot.com/2019/11/when-speaking-your-mind-is-crime.html
Image: internet credit
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