Of Weird Graveside Sanitizations

That death has morphed into a big industry is not in
contention. Funeral homes, crematoriums, carpenters, funeral hire services, to
name but a few, are the major beneficiaries. Traditional African setting had a
way of dispensing with the dead, and, unlike today, big and elaborate funerals
were unheard of. In some customs, the dead were simply tossed in the bushes for
the scavengers to do postmortems and inter the remains in their bellies. Not today
where the dead are mourned in such a fashion as to leave the bereaved surprised.
Where there
is a dead body, vultures will gather. This saying, straight from the Bible, is
aptly true when applied to human vultures. Any news of a dead person will bring
even those who never knew the deceased to the bereaved home. Real and pseudo
mourners will camp there, until the final journey of the deceased into the six
feet resting pit.
But before
then, once the news of anyone kicking the bucket filters in, speculation are
always rife from the ‘know-it-all’ sources as to the real cause of the death. Even
where a natural cause is the case, and before the coroner’s postmortem results,
weird theories are floated out there which sometimes leaves the hearer in
The speeches
given during the final journey are interesting to listen to. As has become the
norm, no one can speak ill of the dead, lest he or she be castigated, or on
belief it can invite the inevitable to the living. Where such superstitious
belief originated from is neither here nor there. What stands out is the
laudatory speech after speech that places the departed amongst the saintliest
of saints.
deceased has left a void we who are still alive will find hard to fill,” are
the oft quoted words during funerals. Taken in their context, it would mean a
crook that was gunned down in the ‘line of duty’ was a commendable example the
living mortals should try to emulate, and fill the void, or surpass the
exploits of same.
“I recall
how we used to hunt with the deceased, how the morning of our initiation we
went to the river and had a numbing swim before facing the circumciser’s knife,
and how he stoically endured the pain without flinching. He was a man in every
sense of the word, unlike today’s generation of pampered kids who undergoes the
rite of passage in comfort of hospitals,” a grey-haired man, in praising his
departed friend, can be heard solemnly saying.
Forget the
written but flowery brief life story of the departed, itself a masterpiece of
literary genius to convince the skeptics, and seemly written by a hired ‘tribute
master’, and listen to the grandiose speeches, for here is where the gist lies.
From the village elder, the local administrator (chief), the area grassroots
leader (ward representative), the area legislator, and the officiating pastor,
all falls over themselves frothing on their mouths ends in outdoing each with
laudatory words!
“We’ve lost
a shining example noted as the hardworking and who was on the forefront
championing for the welfare of others,” the chief can be heard saying, praising
a known distiller of bootleg liquor, or a dealer of illegal drugs, and from
whom he was getting good cash to turn a blind eye or in return of tipoff in
case of an impending police raid.
“That was
one vote gone too soon,” the politicians, with fashionable lamenting voices,
can be heard saying, including promising to stand with the bereaved family, as
in educating the minors a deceased left behind.
The pastor
doesn’t care if the dead fellowshipped in his church. He has been paid for the
occasion. And he is the speaker of the moment, preaching like his life depends
on it. Actually, not preaching, but canonizing the dead in words fit to make
saints in heaven weep.
“As it may
seem painful that we’re here to give one of ours a decent sendoff, we should
instead be celebrating. We’re confident he has crossed over to the bright
peaceful shore, and is at this moment dancing with the angels waiting for that banquet
when the final trump sounds and the time will be no more,” the pastor eloquently
says, contorting his face for the dramatic effect as he delivers his well
packaged sanitizing drivel, while mopping his face with a napkin sized
You’ll be
forgiven to mistake you’re in a revival meeting, judging by the many ‘amen’
that rents the air, when he could be well officiating the funeral of a known pedophile
who met his end from an irate mob.
Regardless of
how the deceased lived, it is worth noting a dead body has a magical effect on
the living, and especially on the immediate family members. The dead unites the
feuding parties together, for that last respect. And it is a united front that
is projected during a photo op, though a grim face can be seen in the lineup.
“From dust
thou cometh and to dust thou returneth,” the pastor quips, when the casket is
lowered to the final resting place, and faces, from known to unknown, scramble
for the shoves to be seen amongst the bereaved in interring the remains of the
And as a last
adieu, the mourners direct their feet to the tent where free food is served,
and healthily belches out of the compound with satiated tummies.
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