Landlords Take on ‘Dirty’ Tenants
tenants complain of being overcharged for run-down rental units without
landlords providing reasonable, pleasant places to live. Many argues this
amounts to extortion as it doesn’t make sense for one to keep putting in drab
rooms they dearly pays for. There could be merit to their arguments but
landlords are cagey instead blaming their tenants for the dire status of houses
they rent. According to some landlords interviewed, some feels tenants are negligent
failing to acknowledge that damage to properties they occupies comes along with
costs to house owners.
Wahinya, a landlord in Nakuru, has an agreement with his tenants whereby,
tenants are expected to meet the costs of repairs should they incur damage to
his property. If, for example, a window or a door is damaged by a particular
occupant of a house, that tenant must be responsible for that damage, though at
times, he meets some repair costs on his own.
He complains
that some tenants goes contrary to their agreement by putting unauthorized
structures within his plot.
In one plot,
for instance, a tenant had erected an illegal structure fronting the house he
had rented to house fowls and goats. This semi-permanent structure blighted the
place that he ordered for its demolition and had the tenant evicted following
complaints from the other renters. The place is peri-urban but some tenants
around had flouted by-laws in keeping animals. The place smelt like a livestock
auction market than a residential plot.
He also
decries how one of his tenants had audacity abuse his tenancy agreement by
subletting the house to another tenant without his knowledge. It happened when
one tenant moved out of his plot and brought someone else to live there. What
Mr Wahinya was informed by his tenant was that a relative was taking care of
the house while he (the tenant), had moved to work somewhere far. This
arrangement went on for some months where the ‘relative’ would pay the
‘working’ tenant who in turn would remit monthly rent to Mr Wahinya. And
through this process, the duplicate landlord would get a ‘commission’, mainly
the difference of skimming the extra rent charge which was a way above what the
real landlord was charging.
“It is true
there are wily tenants out there who can bring in someone in a room they
negotiates with you but goes to get someone willing to pay a little more to
what you’re charging,” he says.
instance he shares is how the ceiling of one of his house was blackened over
time by one tenant who had this habit of lighting charcoal blazer and cooking
in the living room. By the time this ‘dirty’ tenant left, the ceiling had to be
reworked with cans of paint and the grimy room walls given an equal coat of
fresh painting.
“The walls
were grimed with all manner of hard substances which ranged to dried up residuals
of mucus,” he says.
Ndung’u, a landlord in Nyahururu too, had similar problems with his tenants.
Many are the times he’s to meet the costs of unclogging toilet drainage of his
high rise apartment as some ‘ignorant’ tenants’ uses hard paper. Despite the
appeal for use of soft tissue papers, it is hard to try to change attitudes of
some of his tenants. He too gripes about method of garbage disposal by some who
simply tosses refuse or food remains from the balcony to a dirt earth public
road below at night. Though each household is requested to collect refuse in
large polythene bags for eventual collection by garbage truck once every week,
some have opted to discard refuse in unorthodox ways. The belief is stray dogs
passing by will make good use of some edible food leftovers.
“Each house
is charged a little fee for garbage disposal but not all seem to dispose of
same in a good way,” he laments.
On another
plot on outskirts of the town, the state of common toilet used by all tenants
there is sometimes wanting. Children, and, in cases, adults, do not use the
toilet properly. The appeal written at the door in bold reads, ‘Clean after
use’, seems to have been largely ignored for long.
This called
for measures for the facility to be kept clean by all. From the eight or so
tenants in the plot, it was agreed a duty roster should be drawn in which
tenants would take turns in keeping the toilet clean. Many didn’t take this
kindly saying it was demeaning to be ‘punished’ like errant school kids
cleaning after the mess of other.
“The singles
were hard to deal with. They felt like they were being compelled to clean
diapers for ‘overgrown babies’ who were rational enough to know what they were
doing,” he says.
He opines
that tenants should not see landlords’ roles as merely providing boarding and
lodging facilities. They too are required to do something to contribute to the
wellness of the environment in which they live.
He tells of a tenant who housed quails in the
room he slept in several wooden cages. This was at the height of the much hyped
quail rearing project before it assumed a pyramid scheme like status. Though
the tenant would take the cages out during daylight, how he managed to put up
with birds in a single room with a small family at night beats logic. It was
contrary to tenancy agreement and it was either he vacated the house with the
noisy birds or get rid of them.
He adds that
not all cases of landlords’ arbitrarily hiking up rents are genuine. Economic
factors like the case of inflation, maintenance costs and other market factors
in real estate industry may play a part. The notion that rent costs should
always be constant throughout the year is simply wishful thinking, he says,
pointing out the differentiation between leasing and renting. In leasing, price
may be constant annually as per lease agreement but its different when it comes
to renting. Besides, Mr Ndung’u says, there’s a rent tribunal where tenants can
go to if they feel rents are arbitrarily being hiked up.
complaints landlords are ‘heartless’ beings even when tenants had pleaded for
more time to clear rent arrears, he says no business operates on sympathetic
evictions and confiscation of defaulters’ property doesn’t stem from a landlord
being heartless. Agreements are agreements and are binding, whether orally
entered into or written. If one wishes to move out, he or she must inform the
landlord beforehand in oral or written communication and the landlord must be
present to ensure the house being vacated is left in good state with no
outstanding issues being there between the landlord and tenant,” he says.
But as John
Karuga, a landlord in Ol Kalao, found out, some tenants can walkout without
notifying landlords or clearing up pending arrears.
He had a
tenant who packed and left at the dead of the night and relocating to an
unknown place. He left with a colossal outstanding rent arrear and is yet to be
traced to date. The comforting thing, however, is that the elderly landlord no
longer collects rent personally but through an agent. He has captured all
details of his present tenants in case of defaulting and leaving the premises
He believes
some tenants’ takes advantage of ‘soft’ landlords to put up piteous cries to be
allowed to stay long after rent is overdue. Some whines of rent being too high
the moment the landlord shows at their doors.
“But this is
not the case. Before moving in, its clear the complaining tenants entered into
agreements with their landlords’ and are comfortable with the terms but only to
raise a ruckus come pay day,” he says.
He avers its
true some landlords’ overcharges for houses that are wanting. A tenant has the
right to refuse to move in or demand for better house reflective of what he is
being charged. Tenants’ should not be means for few unscrupulous individuals
giving the real estate sector a bad name to enrich themselves without
justifying the cause why the units are costly. More, the place may be wanting
in terms of sewerage and garbage disposal or may pose health hazards to
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